This Master Class enables you to beat the 1st timer syndrome within hours and take your leadership to the next level...
Outline of the Program
Know Your Place
As the saying goes 'Knowledge is power'! This module empowers you to lay a proper 1st timer foundation. Fear, anxiety, frustration, and stress comes from lack of self-awareness. What you're not aware, you cannot control and manage. In this module, you will learn in which areas you need to grow, what kinds of questions to ask, and where to find the answers so that you ‘know your place’ by profoundly knowing your true self, the organization, its people, your team, superiors, and other key stakeholders.
Own Your Place
First impressions, especially for a new leader, matters! This module equips you to elevate your self-regard and boosts your confidence level by translating the knowledge you acquired from Module 1 into action. In this module, you will overcome imposter syndrome; become assertive in your words, decisions, and actions; and set boundaries so that you look and sound confidence from the get-go earning the respect and confidence of your team, peers, superiors, and other stakeholders, and in turn ‘own your place'.
Build Your Team
One person, especially a new one, is too insignificant, insufficient, and incomplete to have a meaningful impact right away. This module enables you to multiply yourself exponentially. You're promoted or hired not just to meet your own 'quota' but rather exponentially increase the performance of your team by creating a team that functions like a well-oiled machine. In this module, you will understand team dynamics, the lifecycle of team formation, know how to position your team members to succeed from the start, and grow them consistently.
Communicate with Stakeholders Effectively
Communication makes or breaks. This module helps you quickly develop all around verbal, non-verbal communication, and listening abilities to connect with others deeply and faster. In this module, you will also recognize the importance of knowing the communication preferences of all stakeholders and how to find out their preferences; come up with a communication strategy to communicate with your supervisor, team members, and other critical stakeholders effectively and systematically; and more.
Deliver Quick Results
The quickest way to beat the syndrome is to deliver outstanding results fast- it silences the inner voice and other doubters. Whatsoever progress you have made because of Modules 1 - 4, without delivering results and quickly, they are useless. Result speaks louder and travels farthest!!! This module gives you some valuable approaches and tools to increase yours and the productivity of your team. In this module, you will know how to set and measure performance goals, prioritize, manage your time and energy well to quickly increase your and your team’s performance fast.
Make Timely Decisions
Problems and challenges cannot be addressed without making decisions. You're promoted or hired primarily to make decision, sometimes, tough ones. The whole team cannot always make decisions based on consensus. Your new leadership is tested with your ability to solve problems quickly, which requires making quality decisions fast even if you don't have enough time and data. This module, will empower you to understand the significance of decisiveness, the process problem solving, sources of decision making power, and how to excel making tough decisions in the midst of conflicts and impasses.
Engage Your People
As a new leader, you have to elevate your influence to the next level by engaging your team and creating an engaging team culture. This module explains the significance of motivation, how to figure out what motivates your people, meet their needs, appreciate and recognize their efforts and contribution to continually inspire your team. In this module, you will also learn how to use effective delegation to engage your people, raise successors, and grow your team quickly.
Strive for Excellence
Complacency is dangerous, especially for 1st timers. You need excellence to keep the momentum going and escalate your productivity. This module shows you the place of excellence and how to achieve it; how to attain continuous improvements by setting and managing performance goals; excel in providing effective performance feedback on a regular basis; create and sustain a pro feedback culture; and deal with poor performance the sooner.
Articulate Your Leadership Philosophy
A leader without defined principles is doomed and is unpredictable. This module explains why effective leaders communicate their principles right out of the gate and why they set expectations from the get-go avoiding many problems down the road. In this module, you will understand why you should reveal your style of leadership, what you expect from others and what others should expect from you, what matter the most for you, how to articulate your philosophy, how to share it with your key people, and more.
Become Authentic and Credible
A leader without character lacks trustworthiness. Leadership, especially for newbies, is a credibility business. Even if you believe that you're authentic and trustworthy, if others don't perceive you so, you're in big trouble. You'll have an uphill battle to gain the trust of others. This module reveals the crucial role of character in leadership, the importance of demonstrating immediate authenticity and credibility, exhibiting consistency, eagerness to learn, how and what to do to become and remain authentic, and credible.
Develop Yourself and Your People
You cannot tap into your and your people's potential without growing proactively and intentionally. As an emerging leader, you cannot lead consistently and effectively and achieve results without outgrowing your former self. You cannot take your team to the next level unless you invest in them constantly. You reap what you sow. This module shows you the importance of holistic growth, how and in which areas you do need to grow yourself and your team. In this module, you will recognize the significance of leadership growth, how to craft your and your team’s development plan, and create a support system for your vulnerable and struggling team members.
In the end, we’ll talk about the next steps you should take to keep the momentum going.
Audio: You'll get the audio version of the program to listen to as you drive, take a walk, and exercise in the gym.
Manual: You'll also get a jam-packed over 170-page accompanying manual we created for the online course. It is filled with 10 tables and 10 figures representing the concepts, models, tools, and templates mentioned in the book. You can print it out and use it as you study with me in the online program. You can highlight and write notes on it. You can answer questions and do the assignments in it.
Transcript: You will also get a time-stamped text version of the PowerPoint
slide notes.